A warm welcome to my writing life.
Let’s connect over the
communal love of language.
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stopping by.
A warm welcome to my
writing life.
Let’s connect over the
communal love of language.
As an author, I lead a kind of split existence. There’s the rhythm of sitting down at my desk at a certain time of the morning and (maybe) the afternoon, the coffee, lunch and tea breaks and always the questions: How will the writing go today?
Will it merely plod along or will some word or phrase take wings and before I know it I’ll be flying… and not even aware this is happening! And then there’s the reading over, revising, rewriting, very different from pursuing a vague idea, or interest in ((fascination with???)) a certain situation or character. Lastly but by no means least, there’s promotion, social and taking care of the business side.
So many highs and lows. Join me on the writer’s journey!
Spring fix
At last, a sunny Saturday. Once a month a 'Repair Cafe' happens in our nearby Community Centre...
Village Life
Homeward bound, I stride downhill and turn onto the narrow, paved path that runs diagonally across...
Bus Stop Encounters
A prose poem: For those of us who live a solitary life, whose senses are dulled by age, a scent at...
From ‘A Wedding in Vermont’ Part One
Note: In our time, the right to be legally married is so weighted with importance. This wasn’t the case in the mid 60s and on when couples more had the attitude ‘why bother?’. So I began to wonder, what difference does a marriage ceremony actually make, if any? Slowly the story of four different women and their relationships started to take shape (and place!) in my imagination.
Far up in the hills of Vermont there’s a place that’s calling, a place known by the family it’s belonged to for decades as ‘The Land’. Nature and the environment are both wild and tamed. For the time being, at least.
On all who have the good fortune to stay or be invited, the Land has its effect. To get there you follow a rutted dirt road. The way is winding, often bumpy, sometimes steep. After climbing steadily for a fraction over four miles, your car bumps to a stop in a gravel turning circle. Out you climb. You take a deep breath, your gaze resting on a couple of hummocky fields. An orchard forms the upper border, graces the lower slopes of the hills with old apple trees. Farther up, a forest mix of evergreens and deciduous trees reaches higher and higher.
Arriving is its own reward.
If you can get there.
… read more in Excerpts/ …
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‘Cape Town’ was nominated for a White Pine Award

An excellent coming-of-age novel… beautifully written.
– CM University of Manitoba
A great read.
– Marsha Skrypuch